13 years Wilderness SAR experience as search team member of Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group, eight of those serving as Treasurer.
- 13 years amateur radio experience
- Passed all three license class exams (Technician, General and Extra) in one sitting in August 2010
- International voice, digital and packet communications
- ARRL Emergency Communications training
- Fixed, mobile and maritime experience
- Large event radio support
- Repeater operations
- Taught classes in emergency communications
- 30 years IT infrastructure experience -- administrator, engineer, architect, manager, director of operations
- 15 years developing and managing infrastructure for various federal contractors
- ICS framework training
5 years leading a nonprofit infosec learning collective
- Taught classes in KiCAD, microcontroller development, PCB design and fabrication
- Created three popular "indie conference badges" for presentation and sale within the Def Con community